ICS was demonstrating the features of the OS-X compatible business telephone system, the SpliceCom maximiser, and uniquely were the sole telecoms industry representative at the show.
“Mac Expo attracts some of the most influential companies in the world,” commented ICS managing director, John Gillborn, “so we’re delighted that despite the technology giants showcasing some really high-profile products, the ICS stand was nevertheless constantly surrounded by visitors. The maximiser really drew the crowds and generated a huge amount of interest both from the general public and fellow exhibitors.”
The record levels of maximiser sales leads, along with the hundreds of entries submitted for the ICS stand competition to win a state of the art iPod Shield Jacket, has left ICS in a buoyant mood.
“It will probably be around three to six months before we can follow up all the leads we’ve been given and fully measure the wider benefits of attending the exhibition,” says John. “But we’re already looking forward to the 2006 Channel Comms Expo and the success we’ve achieved here will really give us the incentive to go bigger and better than before.”