EAD circuits are common connectivity options for lots of fibre carriers. Order a fibre Ethernet circuit and it’s likely an Openreach EAD circuit is being used to link a customer site to the nearest Exchange. They can however prove to be the most cost effective solution for short distance point-to-point connections.
Paul Barnett, Director of ICUK commented, "To our knowledge we’re the first major provider to offer access to instant quoting via our quoting tool. Pricing details, radial distance information, installation category and estimated excess construction costs are all shown alongside our wholesale prices to aid decision making alongside other point-to-point alternatives from other carriers."
Diverse Plus delivers physical diversity with 2 independent exit points from a building, no pinch points within the routing of traffic, to 2 independent exchanges, terminated into diverse ICUK POPs. Previously only the very largest of organisations may have had the pockets to require such a solution, however, with the ever growing appreciation of ultra fast always-on connections, demand has soared.
According to ICUK, to meet demand they have delivered a feature which can achieve pricing for such a solution just as quick as you would with a single circuit.
Paul Barnett said, “These latest additions are further testament to our commitment to delivering the most advanced leased line tools and portal for our resellers. The thought processes behind these additions doesn’t just cover the initial quoting, it flows through to order, the delivery processes through to once it’s live and requiring management. It’s the second of a series of industry firsts planned for 2018.”
These new enhancements come on the back of a wave of new features delivered at the end of 2017, including overlaying Openreach infrastructure information onto Google Maps to enable partners to deliver an accurate timescale and costs for the installation of leased lines.