The hosting, telecoms and broadband wholesaler were also Highly Commended for their Commitment to the Community, reflecting their work with the Croydon Tech City start-up and inspiring young entrepreneurs at school. They’d also been shortlisted for the Training and Development award.
The award reflects 12 years of hard work from the company to ensure customers always receive top class technical support as soon as they raise a query. ICUK has always placed focus on support over sales, and this has allowed the company to grow to more than 600 loyal resellers and tens of thousands of clients.
Paul Barnett said: “This award has been a long time in the making and is hard earned by our current support team.
“They work tirelessly and we’d like to thank Mark, Niall, Kushal, Alan, Mat and Lynn for all the work they do.”
The judges at the Croydon Business Awards said: “ICUK is a dynamic company in the telecoms and internet industry. The drive and enthusiasm generated by the Directors is impressive.
“Everything about ICUK seems to associate itself with a client first approach whatever their need, the efforts are justly rewarded by being 2014 Best Business for Customer Service Award Winners.”
ICUK are also up for the same award in the London Business Awards, as well as the ISP of the Year in the Comms Business Awards.
Mr Barnett said: “We’ve carried on quietly for over a decade, building a successful business with a unique platform that gives so much power and control to our resellers.
“Now we’re at the position where shouting about what we do and what we’ve built is the natural process to moving forward.
“It’s great to have the hard work of every person who’s ever been part of the ICUK team recognised.”