Take the latest products from Siemens and Avaya for example. For the smaller organisation Siemens has introduced two new products in the last six months that fit the bill for high functionality. The HiPath BizIP is a plug and play Peer to Peer communication solution offering customers with up to 16 users traditional telephony and internet telephony as one. Recognised as a 'Best Buy' by leading consumer magazine 'What to Buy for Business', HiPath BizIP is the ideal solution for small offices with LAN infrastructure that want to enjoy all the benefits of VoIP communication without the technical expertise or expense of a telephone system.”
Robertson is equally enthusiastic about the new HiPath 2000.
“HiPath 2000 is a pure IP communication system with an open LINUX based software architecture and full range of voice communication features in a single solution. It offers small and medium sized companies with up to 30 users, fast easy access to voice and data communication via IP as well as voicemail and call distribution applications integrated into the standard product. HiPath 2000 is ideal for customers that expect the highest degree of mobility from their communications solution. The router technology with VPN and encryption and inbuilt Wireless LAN capability makes access to the office network fast, flexible and secure.”
Robertson concludes by reminding us that Avaya’s IP500, the latest in a line of software and hardware based development on the IP Office system is due out this month and addresses even more applications in the sub 25 user market and beyond.