IFS Notify Me, now available in Apple’s App Store and Android Market, proactively brings approvals and authorisations into users’ hands. In a recent survey on mobility in the workplace, conducted by TNS Sifo on behalf of IFS, mid-management spends on average 10 percent of their work week performing authorisations and related tasks.
The IFS Touch Apps are designed to offer great, hassle-free user experience to the mobile workforce. The apps are focused on quick-to-complete tasks and present the user with the relevant, rather than all, information. The apps are designed to minimise typing and allow the user to exit the app at any point and continue later.
“There are many great apps out there, but also many not-so-great ones. At IFS, user experience is core to everything we do. This means that we design our apps “phone first” and “touch first”. Adding to our existing mobile solutions for field service, and our mobile-friendly IFS Enterprise Explorer user interface, the roll-out of IFS Touch Apps marks another milestone in our work to support the entire mobile workforce,” said Dan Matthews, CTO at IFS.
IFS bridges the gap between the fast-moving world of smartphones and apps and the slower-moving world of ERP software via a unique use of cloud technology. Rather than having the apps talk directly to the ERP back-end, the apps talk to services running inside IFS Cloud. “This is an example of our practical approach to cloud computing, letting our customers expand their options for IFS Applications with cloud-based applications where it brings clear benefits. Combining services in the cloud with the IFS Applications software, whether deployed on-premise or otherwise, makes it easy for users to self-provision the apps, and for IT to enable app usage. All with strong security built-in,” Dan Matthews continued.