
Inclarity provides Hosted VoIP to The Move Channel

The Move Channel, a privately owned property portal, is using Inclarity’s Hosted Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system to deliver significant cost savings and increased productivity to their overseas property marketing business. Hosted VoIP enables people to redirect their work phone calls to other phone lines simply and effectively, allowing calls to be better managed and for teams to work without permanent desks as they can use any phone in the office.

When The Move Channel relocated offices recently, the main requirements were for a telecommunications network that was user friendly and cost effective. The Inclarity offering combines easy-to-use traditional telephony elements with its own advanced features, for example the fax2email facility. This feature is one that has proved to be very beneficial. The Move Channel’s employees rarely use hard copy faxes, which has reduced the amount of paper files in the office. Faxes can then be saved on the network, making them easily accessible for all staff.

The user-friendly web based management tools have enabled the entire workforce to maintain constant communication with their clients whether in the office or on the move. This increased functionality helped The Move Channel as a profitable, growing business. Elizabeth Coley, Business Manager at The Move Channel, said: “The solution is growing with us. We have found adding new users to be a straightforward, painless process.” The Inclarity Hosted VoIP technology adds extra ‘seats’ at the click of a mouse.

Inclarity’s business-grade Hosted VoIP service reduces or eliminates the need for legacy telephone systems. Calls are handled centrally and the traditional switchboard is replaced by a software application hosted on Inclarity’s own IP Centrex switch, providing advanced functionality without the need to own or lease a PBX.