Incom BS has now announced the internal promotion of Paul Lowe, who has been named as the new National Engineering Manager. Paul has been a dedicated engineer at Incom Business Systems for over 12 years and managing directors David Hughes and Jason Kilvert believe the technical expertise and strong relationship Paul has developed with the engineering team will help to drive the company forward.
Paul Lowe comments, “This is a great opportunity, I have enjoyed the last 12 years at Incom Business Systems and I am now looking forward to the challenges ahead of me as the National Engineering Manager. I hope to provide the support and knowledge to the engineering team that I experienced as an engineer myself.”
Managing Director David Hughes said, “This is excellent news for both Paul and the company, yet again we have re-invested in our workforce by promoting from within. Incom Business Systems is a strong believer in staff development and constantly train staff up through the company. We see internal promotion as one way to reward our long serving and loyal employees for their support and dedication over the years.
The engineering team not only receive extensive product training to the highest standards by the manufacturers direct but their safety on the roads is a concern for the directors as well. The directors wanted to ensure the safety of their drivers by investing in an advanced training course because the high mileage covered by the nationwide team of engineers means they are statistically 50% more at risk of being involved in an accident.”