Greystone single out their new application rekoop for mention when they say dealers can literally go into professional firms, such as legal and accountancy practices and show them the rekoop ‘time capture application for their fee-earners, which will immediately create huge new revenues for the customer that could pay for their entire telecoms bill several times over – it’s like being able to walk in and say “with us they’re all free!”
Jon Dailey, Greystone Telecom’s Channel Manager, “I’ve never seen anything like it as a door-opener. Dealers need to approach new customers with something different and exciting. Our unique Intelligent Network solutions such as those available on our Greystone Power Platform (including hosted call recording, IVR etc) as well as rekoop take the conversation away from pence per minute costs and onto value added solutions. This edge is allowing our partners to win more core fixed line business alongside value added services to enable them to build long-term relationships with their customers.
Then there’s the new tariff for small businesses, which offers new customers (and it’s only available through the dealer channel) exceptional line charges and capped call rates. With its large up-front payment structure the new dealer tariff is a real cash builder for channel partners who like to work with easy to sell propositions, where sales will be made every day.”