Pas Ruggiero Managing Director at Integra comments ‘We knew that the standard would challenge us, the most difficult part was to understand what we needed to do. We started by looking at what we were doing and how we could make changes within that.’
Working with consultant David Rands they built an Environmental Management System - EMS. An Aspect and Impact register followed that grouped their environmental impact into 4 elements;
Waste including recycling; Energy Use; Discharge and Use of buildings including utilities.
Each element was awarded a rated value. For example paper waste degrades quickly and was therefore awarded a lower impact value. Mid range were items of office equipment such as photocopiers, bulbs and plastic for which environmentally friendly methods of disposal are readily available. It was ascertained that the use of vehicles represented the highest potential for pollution.
By far the biggest saving has come however from the service report desk. Remote diagnostic tools are used to access the clients’ system and fix most problems off site. As a result, the mileage reduction objective is already on the way to meeting the target set.
Further substantial journey savings have been made by the introduction of field staff Internet webinars covering sales and service. Additional productivity benefits have been realised as the result of reduced travel time.
Operations Director, Mark Brooks stated, ’In house screens record our objectives and in future we will display the difference we are making. Our annual BSI audit requires us to measure and prove our savings. We are already seeing substantial reductions and as a team we are proud to be doing our bit.’
Integra ICT describe themselves as ‘enabling joined up communications’. Simply put they provide ICT solutions to clients, integrating communication systems and improving business process. Services extend from phone systems, minutes and mobile, conferencing and cabling for voice, video and data. Integra ICT endeavour to enhance equipment already in place while fulfilling their clients’ expectations in the best way possible to avoid unnecessary disposal.