In addition to its existing Convergent Technologies professional (CTP) course the Academy now offers the ability to become Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certified. Both the ‘Cisco Introduction’ and ‘ICND’ courses (which together deliver CCNA certification) will enable telecoms professionals to acquire the most appropriate skill-sets required to install the next generation of IP communications solutions, and perfectly position themselves to address the pure-IP marketplace.
“Pure-IP platforms are becoming increasingly common in the telecoms market and there has been a gap in people’s knowledge when it came to preparing for new systems, such as the Inter-Tel NC-7000. Telecoms resellers readily recognise the need to up-skill and cater for constantly changing business communications trends,” said Stuart Clark, general manager, The Academy. “That’s why we decided to add CCNA qualifications to its existing CTP qualification portfolio. It’s by far the best way for resellers to get up to speed on the technology, and stay ahead of competitors. The course has been pre-booked and is full to capacity showing resellers are moving with the new demands for networking expertise.”
The training courses are held at The Academy’s new headquarters in Northampton. The premises offer an environment for attendees to test IP technologies in a variety of communications infrastructures that recreate real business environments. The availability of live IP platforms gives resellers the experience needed to cater for changing business customer demands.
“The addition of the CCNA qualification has bridged a vital gap in my knowledge which means I can now work with any pure-IP platform,” said Ben Cowling, Armstrong Communications, an early student of CCNA at The Academy. “Sometimes, training providers don’t seem to appreciate what’s required in the ‘real world’ of telecoms, but the Inter-Tel course is comprehensive and very hands-on.”