- Group turnover up 11% to £6.18 million (2004: £5.58m)
- Operating profit before goodwill amortisation up by 185% to £382,000 (2004: £134,000)
- Profits after tax were £175,000, up 430% (2004: £33,000)
- £3.15 million raised via placing on admission to AIM
- IP technology sales have continued to be significantly higher than the industry average and now represent more than 93% of overall system sales
- Gained 3Com “Gold Voice” accreditation and established new Strategic Partnership with Kingston Communications Plc
- Comprehensive VoIP network infrastructure upgrade for existing client with 42 sites
Alex Tupman, ATC Group Chief Executive commented: “We are delighted to present our maiden set of results since admission of the Company to AIM on 25 July 2005 and to report continued growth in our business, particularly in new IP technology services. We continue with our strategy of delivering leading edge solutions to help businesses take advantage of IP technology.
“We will continue to focus on delivering profitable growth across the Group whilst monitoring selective acquisition opportunities in the fragmented telecoms services market. The Board remains confident of a strong second half to the year.”