Annodata inherited the IPS name in 2000 when the INDeX support business was purchased from Avaya. At that time, Avaya were looking to move away from directly supporting INDeX hardware via their INDeX Professional Services (IPS) division, so they contacted a number of their largest resellers to find the most suitable new owners for IPS.
After a lengthy process, Annodata were selected, based on their existing engineering expertise, the size of our own installed INDeX base and on their ability to understand customers’ needs - and then to deliver the correct solutions for each one. Nick Whitty, Marketing Manager for the Annodata Group, explains the reasons behind the decision to re-brand:
“As the business is now well-established as part of the Annodata group – and as the INDeX product is no longer being manufactured, we felt that it was time to ensure that the Communication Systems part of the Annodata business was more fully integrated into the Annodata brand. This means that all Annodata offerings can be marketed under the same name and the same website - with Communication Systems becoming another service which is offered by the Annodata Group.”
The re-brand includes the development of the new Annodata Communication Systems logo and a new Annodata Communication Systems website section, which is accessible from the main Annodata site.