The Aviation and IT sectors each generate 2% of Global CO2 emissions and the threatened new legislation will deliver businesses even more gloom in a worsening economic climate.
Despite calls from ecological pressure groups, the UK Government is unlikely to withdraw the controversial Aviation fuel subsidy, keeping passenger costs low while driving CO2 emissions. In contrast, any organisation can claim a substantial 30% capital allowance when deploying energy saving Intelligent Power Management, across their IT estate. Paul Eo of IT Cabling and Infrastructure specialist LS says, “The Enhanced Capital Allowance is a compelling reason for IT and Data Centre Managers to improve their energy management, reduce consumption and save money.
Even more compelling is the £multi-millions that a 30% power saving represents in the average data centre.
“Every business is looking to hold its bottom line and these capital allowances won't be available for ever.”
Intelligent Power Management collects critical power usage information and provides data that allows managers to make intelligent, informed, business led decisions, regularly leading to reductions in power usage of 30% or more, massively reduced energy costs Carbon savings measured in Mega Tonnes and improved business efficiency and control, all with a significant Government subsidy.
“These alone, let alone the threat of legislation should be enough to make every company investigate Intelligent Power Management,” says Eo.