Amid increasingly positive economic signals, Britain’s IT staff are showing they are not prepared to rest on their laurels. According to research by Randstad Technologies, the specialist recruiter, 44% of IT staff feel they have not yet reached their full potential.
This ambition within the IT sector comes despite the fact the industry has the highest levels of professional fulfilment compared to other sectors in the UK. Nearly three quarters 73% of IT professionals describe themselves as professionally fulfilled – well above the UK average of 62%.
Mike Beresford, managing director of Randstad Technologies, said: “Positive signals for the UK economy seem to be appearing every week which is fantastic news if we’re to achieve a sustainable recovery. What is even more encouraging though is that despite being the most professionally fulfilled sector in the UK, those working in the sector have the ambition to advance even further. It is an exciting time for the tech sector in the UK and the dynamism of the industry is reflected in the goals of the staff who are driving it forward.
Being the best that you can be
British IT staff workers feel that it is your personal characteristics that are the most important influence on achieving your potential. More than a third (38%) of staff in the sector feel this is the case.
Determination is viewed as the most important personal characteristic by over two fifths (43%) of IT professionals. Adaptability is seen as the next most important character trait (39%) if you are to achieve your potential in the sector with a strong work ethic viewed as the third (39%).
Mike Beresford, said: “The characteristics seen as key to achieving your potential in the IT industry strongly reflect the sector itself. Technology can advance at a rapid pace and as a result adaptability is of paramount importance. As is the ability to work smart – ground-breaking achievements in the technology world don’t happen by accident. There is always someone working to stay one step ahead.”
Outside Help
Support from your employer is seen as the second most important factor in helping you achieve your potential. One in four IT workers (27%) feel that training, development, good leadership and culture are key to success. This is some way below the proportion of the working population as a whole (38%) who feel the same and shows how proactive the IT industry is in terms of individual development.
Roadblocks to success
Across the UK workforce as a whole, your individual characteristics are seen as being both the key to achieving your potential at work as well as the most likely roadblock to your success. More than a third (36%) of Britain’s most fulfilled staff say that it is the individual themselves who provides the biggest barrier to reaching their potential.
In contrast, IT professionals see the employer as the biggest barrier to an individual’s success. Two in five (41%) view the employers as the biggest roadblock compared to just one in four (25%) who see it as the individual.
Mike Beresford, said: “While for the wider population the employer is seen as less of a barrier to success and fulfilment, for the majority of IT professionals it is the employer who supplies the tools of their trade. If these are not up to scratch it may be harder for IT staff to feel they are able to reach their potential.”
“It is vital that anyone who hopes to achieve more in their professional life understands what will help them do so and what may provide a barrier. And who better to glean this advice from than those who understand what fulfilment and success means to them and how they can continue to achieve it in the future.”
Randstad recently launched the How I Became platform, inspired by the real stories of real people who are fulfilled at work. The platform contains films from people who work in a range of business sectors, from education to finance providing key pieces of advice designed to help future candidates on their path to professional fulfilment. The hub is designed to be a dynamic place to find career boosting advice.
Mike Beresford, said: “Those with the passion and purpose to drive their career forward and reach their potential have a lot to offer others who may feel at a crossroads in their professional lives. We believe in helping people find fulfilment at work which is why we have set up the How I Became platform in order for real people to share their experiences and advice. We invite anyone keen to pass on their thoughts on how to achieve fulfilment at work to visit the site and share their experiences.”