MSN continued to be the slowest website and took an average 12.39 seconds to download, which was far slower than the index average of 5.34 seconds.
Said Nisheeth Mohan, senior product manager at Keynote Systems, nine out of ten of the mobile sites monitored performed impressively in terms of reliability, all with an average availability of above 99%. BBC was the most reliable site with 99.86% availability. MSN came last in this category and had 98.26% availability. Time continued to have the highest download speed and downloaded 8,899 bytes/second. However due to the huge size of the site, almost 75,000 bytes, the mobile page had a slow average load time of 8.18 seconds this month.
Nohan added: "We are starting to see mobile performance stabilise with consistent trends in website download times. The reliability of mobile sites has also improved significantly with average availability being consistently greater than 99%. However, content providers need to continue to focus on optimising their sites for mobile visitors. The home pages of Google and Facebook are the lightest of those monitored, and it is therefore not surprising that these are the quickest sites to load."