Adam Zoldan, Knight CF director said: “This new agreement offers our clients an opportunity to consider and potentially become a fully paid up member of the London Exchange. Since the successful flotation of Daisy last year there has been renewed interest from the financial markets in our sector and the AIM market gives access to new funding options that can be used to develop businesses and make acquisitions.”
FinnCap CEO Sam Smith comments “Knight Corporate Finance has a very strong track record and reputation in this sector and this agreement will allow us to build relationships with growing telcos who wish to work towards a Stock Market flotation. Knight is a good partner for FinnCap with its in depth knowledge of the sector, relationships across a spectrum of businesses, and proven ability to close deals both large and small.”
For those telcos looking for an alternative way of raising finance Private Equity is an option that is becoming ever more accessible to the sector. Knight Corporate Finance has recently completed its largest transaction of the year so far that was Private Equity funded, and expects to see further deals announced involving this form of financing.
Paul Billingham commented: “We have had a number of enquiries from Private Equity and Venture Capital who are actively looking at entering the sector. We are also seeing a number of private equity funded deals in the sector which demonstrates the positive long term view of telecoms from an investor perspective. Heightened interest from financial buyers is increasing the size of the buyer pool and supporting valuation levels. If you are considering an exit or looking for funding in the next 12 months talk to us now”.
As Knight Corporate Finance approaches its second Birthday, the website has been given a full refresh to reflect how the company has developed. Since its inception Knight CF has completed more deals in the sector than any other adviser and our site now reflects our ability and status in offering a full advisory service capability.