The company said it will also reduce future business travel by staff, once the pandemic is over, and has already replaced all plastic packaging for accessory cables with paper-based alternatives.
In addition, for all deliveries sent from its head office, Konftel will replace plastic bubble wrap with recycled paper, minimise carton sizes, switch from plastic tape and use thermal labels. The company said it is also examining options for improved energy efficiency at its biggest manufacturing sites.
Stefan Eriksson, CMO, Konftel, explained, “Konftel is certified for the second successive year with the Climate Neutral standard. This means we have offset all our greenhouse gas emissions and are taking action to further reduce those emissions.
“For us, it’s not enough to simply provide innovative technology, equipment and support which helps people communicate more effectively. We also have to pay attention to our own carbon footprint in a way which encourages others to do the same.”
Austin Whitman, CEO, Climate Neutral, added, “Konftel and our other Climate Neutral Certified brands are leading the global shift to a net-zero economy by doing what all companies should be doing immediately: measuring, offsetting, and reducing their carbon emissions.”