The incentive was launched in March, with the aim of boosting sales performance, by encouraging internal lead generation. To qualify, Chess people had to generate sales leads from their friends and family in business.
The generated leads were logged on a LEADer board and, each month, the three top scorers were rewarded with shopping and restaurant vouchers.
On top of the monthly prizes, every lead passed during the three-month incentive was exchanged for a raffle ticket and the raffle tickets entered into a draw.
Chess’ Play Your Part conference on June 9th 2006 marked the end of the incentive and Chess people waited with baited breath and trembling fingers while Director of HR and Quality, Anne Binnie drew the winners of Five Star trips to London, Paris and New York from the hat.
And the lucky winners? Customer Relationship Manager, Gareth Roper will be heading to the big smoke for a weekend of shopping and shows, Accounts Assistant, Emma Jones will enjoy a romantic break in Paris after her wedding in July and Senior Engineer, Howard Simpson is heading to the Big Apple! “It didn’t feel real when my name was read out,” said Howard. “I was waiting for someone to go up and collect the prize, until I realised that I was Howard Simpson and everyone was waiting for me to get up! It still hasn’t sunk in - even now!”