In new research from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, 57% of all phones bought in the 12 weeks to 20 March 2011 were smartphones, compared with only 31% in 2010. As a result, the firm concluded that consumers are learning more about OS as part of the decision making process in buying a new phone.
Fiona Keenan, consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, explained: “Although some consumers still need educating about operating systems awareness is growing and this is starting to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. Altogether, 12% of smartphone owners claim they will choose their next handset solely based on its OS, and a further 44% say it will play a part, demonstrating loyalty is starting to shift towards OS providers.
“This will be a big challenge for handset manufacturers, who will need to find a way of connecting further with their customers or alternatively working more directly with OS providers to offer consumers something that differentiates them from their competitors in the handset world.”