M12 were riding in support of the CF Trust. The aim is to raise funds for Southampton General Hospital’s Isolation Wing. People that suffer from CF are often admitted to hospital for long periods of time and due to the nature of the illness must be kept in isolation to ensure they are not exposed to viruses. The money raised will be put towards helping sufferers’ stay in hospital become far more relaxed and enjoyable. M12’s Director of Sales, Allan Packer, recently said “This charity is close to my heart and I have been involved with the CF Trust for many years. Most patients have to spend their time in a room on their own 24 hours a day. The TV’s in many of the room’s do not work and the Patient line telephone service is very expensive. Unfortunately, because of a lack of funds, the internet connection is terrible and the wireless keeps going down. The laptops supplied are extremely old and very un-reliable. Some patients will be in isolation for up to 3 months or more, their family members may live over 100 miles away making only weekend visits possible. It can be a very depressing and isolated environment to be in”.
The money that M12 raises will be used to improve the wireless internet connection in the hospital and provide new laptops. This will give the patients new ways to relax and keep in touch with their families at a low cost. The money raised will also be used to grant funds for relatives of extremely sick or dying patients, enabling them to travel and stay near to the hospital. Alternatively providing childcare for a parent with CF whom otherwise would not be able to attend hospital for crucial treatment!