With over 20 years’ experience in developing innovative marketing initiatives that support dealers, Mainline has updated its Blueprint programme, which aims to help its dealers generate new leads and grow their business. Each dealer will receive a printed catalogue and login details to a dedicated web portal.
Mainline has reviewed suggestions from its frontline dealers and taken the most successful initiatives from previous marketing campaigns to form a comprehensive new service.
Dealers can log into the easy to navigate web portal at any time and order a range of competitively priced marketing activities and templates, most of which can be personalised and dual branded for their business. These include leaflets, posters, email and HTML message templates, a handset widget for websites, promotional items, pop-up banners and newspaper adverts.
The portal is easy to use and gives clear visibility of order tracking. All templates are updated regularly to ensure dealer content is current when there are new messages to convey.
Dealers can also select branded merchandise to promote specific marketing initiatives such as exhibitions and trade fairs, or to support their ongoing sales activity. Mainline’s team of marketing professionals are on hand to provide help and advice, if required.
Activities are all pre-approved by Orange and T-Mobile and can be paid for from the dealer’s Mainline marketing fund or invoiced directly.
“Blueprint is another value added service offering from Mainline,” comments Gail Hollinshead, Mainline’s director of dealer sales. “It is designed to formalise our marketing offer to those dealers who currently use marketing as a business tool and encourage dealers who have never used marketing. Blueprint is a way of promoting their company to a wider audience and to set them apart from their competitors, especially given the current challenging environment of the mobile industry.”
There are also extra Blueprint benefits for Business Mobile dealers including reduced pricing on the handset widget and extended service on HTML Messaging. Additionally, they will all receive personalised versions of the printed catalogue customised usernames and log-ins to the web portal.
“Blueprint is an easy to use support mechanism that dealers find particularly useful when discussing business plans with Mainline’s business development managers,” concludes Gail.