The Christmas incentive programme offered dealers a £20 lifestyle shopping voucher and an entry into the holiday prize draw for every new Orange, T-Mobile or EE business connection achieved over an individual target.
“We were aiming for a 10% increase in new business connections,” says Mainline’s strategic business development manager Gail Hollinshead, “But the promotion really captured the imagination of our dealers and we ended up trebling that figure.”
ATS won the main prize, with Aspect Mobiles receiving the runners up prize of £1000 of Thomas Cook vouchers.
“Mainline’s promotion was a tremendous incentive for our sales team. We always put our customers first, but winning vouchers for closing deals made our team even more proactive,” says ATS sales director Mark Trafford. “Winning the prize draw and the trip to Vegas was the icing on the cake for the business.”
“This promotion was a great way to incentivise dealers during the run up to Christmas and gave a significant final boost to their end of year sales,” says Gail Hollinshead.