Under the banner of ‘Mayflex Cares. All together, Helping Others’ the staff across the business have been split into four randomly picked groups, each denoted by a colour, the teams will then compete against each other to see who can do the best in the various activities, thereby creating a good team spirit and ideally leading to a greater fundraising effort.
Kelly Evans chairwoman of the charity committee commented ‘The interest from staff to be involved with this has been quite outstanding, there is a very strong caring ethos at Mayflex. Many of us have been touched by serious illnesses in our families and we are very aware of those that are less fortunate, particularly homelessness and severe poverty that affects too many people. We are keen to do more to help.’
Kelly continued ‘It isn’t all about raising money, although we hope to raise as much as we can, giving time to our local communities will also be key, as will encouraging staff to give blood if they don’t already. We are getting our staff to nominate the charities that are closest to their hearts for us to focus our efforts and fund raising on.’
Kelly concluded ‘The first activity that is taking place is over 50 members of staff who will be doing the fitbit 10,000 steps per day throughout June for Cancer Research UK, with the aim to raise as much money as possible.
We also have a dress down day and raffle scheduled to raise money for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital and we have a date booked for food bank collections to help two local homeless charities in Birmingham and St Neots.