In a number of separate instances, the fraudsters have targeted accredited Paxton partners, they’ve called the Mayflex sales team saying that they are from the company, asked for quotes for various Paxton product codes and having created ‘copycat’ email addresses, to look very similar to those of the individual companies in question, to fool our teams into thinking that when the orders were placed that they were legitimate.
The names of the individuals to look out for in these examples are Mike Andrews, Marvin Taylor and Ian Green – we have passed the information and details across to the police who are now pursuing this matter further.
Commenting on the incident Martin Eccleston, Commercial Manager commented ‘We are taking further steps to help distinguish these fraudulent activities at the earliest stages and where products are being delivered directly on site, in future we will put further checks in place to check that the order is genuine before being shipped. This won’t cause any delay to our customers and orders will be processed and delivered in the usual timely manner that customers expect from Mayflex.’
Martin concluded ‘We would like to issue a word of warning to our fellow distributors and the industry in general to be extra vigilant of this latest scam, there are some very unscrupulous individuals around that will do whatever they can to make a quick buck.’