Brendon Cross, STL’s managing director, was spotted chatting to the Prime Minister David Cameron when he opened a new building for Hexagon Business Centres, an STL customer. Wittas House in Witney is Hexagon Business Centres’ second centre and provides homes to 27 small and growing West Oxfordshire businesses as well as providing business services to over 25 virtual tenants.
STL has installed a Samsung 7400 telephone system that is hosted from STL’s head office next door. The business centre tenants all use Samsung handsets for VoIP telephony, which enables them to work remotely if required as well as providing them with a flexible and scalable system as they grow. The Hexagon reception team use an Oak call management application to provide a telephone answering service for the virtual tenants.
Brendon commented, “It was good to see Mr Cameron taking time from his busy schedule to show his support for growing local businesses like Hexagon Business Centres.”