The existing solution within the M.E.N Arena was a voicemail system, which was also being used as a call attendant for the main incoming number. This system had reached its end of life and required replacement with a solution that would meet the changing challenges of the business. The main challenge was to install a new system, which would have all the features required for future operation and which could be adopted seamlessly into the different departments accommodating their already installed telephone network.
“After 18 months careful consideration and evaluation of the available alternatives we adopted an upgrade to the MD110 PBX to BC13 and incorporated the TeleWare hosted IVR platform to progress calls through the system” said Dave Batty, Facilities Services Manager for the M.E.N Arena. “To date the system has been positively received and has achieved its design parameters in moving calls to the relevant departments efficiently and quickly,” added Batty.
Future plans include, development of personal profiles to end points to make the system more efficient and an upgrade to the LAN to start the process of wireless telephony and IPT. The TeleWare hosted IVR solution provides an application platform that can be used irrespective of network and switch type, and will operate over the present digital PBX and move seamlessly to provide the identical service over the future IP PBX selected by the M.E.N Arena. This ensures a seamless migration on the part of the business and their customers and ensures the M.E.N Arena have the freedom to select the best IP PBX solution to meet their business needs.
The IVR hosted application provided using Text to Speech and the IVR call handling parameters were written by TeleWare for the M.E.N Arena, ongoing the easy to use block based IVR architecture will allow quick and easy modifications to the system to be made.