According to a new survey by global research specialists Hall & Partners, 64% of men would be more likely to have sex without a condom if they had taken the new male contraceptive injection.
The monthly testosterone injection, found to be highly effective during trials, is predicted to revolutionise birth control. The nationally representative survey by Hall & Partners of 2000 people also showed that over two thirds of the men believed that they would take the new contraceptive injection. This rises amongst older men, with three quarters of those over the age of 34 likely to take the injection.
Meanwhile three in four women said they would not trust men to use the new contraceptive, and this lack of faith increases as women get older, with younger women more inclined to trust men on this issue.
The insightful results launched Hall & Partners new polling tool UKNow, which keeps its finger on the pulse of the social and cultural context we live in and what people think now.