Meru Networks SAM is designed to rein in the increasing operational costs that come with operating business-critical applications on all-wireless networks and accelerate the transition of the $16 billion enterprise wired Ethernet switching market over to Meru Switched Wireless.
This industry-first offering breaks from the legacy wireless approach of deploy then manually troubleshoot to proactively and dynamically validating the end to end service levels of the entire wireless network on a continual basis.
This approach enables enterprises to enhance end user experience by detecting potential performance problems for business critical applications before users encounter them, leading to significant lowering of operating costs, higher productivity for end users and greater ROI for application and infrastructure investments.
“Operational costs are a big concern for organizations looking to expand the enterprise network, whether it’s wireless or wired growth,” said Andrew Borg, senior research analyst for Aberdeen Group.
“For example, our recent research has shown that top-performing organisations doubled their WLAN coverage area, which resulted in a 63% increase in the cost of managing the WLAN and a 69% increase in the number of employees required to support it. If Meru can help reduce the costs associated with managing the enterprise network, it’s going to be welcome news for CIOs and CFOs alike.”
Meru’s SAM brings a new proactive approach to the industry and challenges the current paradigm of wireless management by harnessing the power of the company’s innovative single channel architecture, which allows all access points within a network to operate on the same channel, creating a neighborhood watch for end to end service assurance.
The new solution runs the wireless client connectivity, latency and performance throughput tests from a central location using virtual clients on each access point without requiring any extra sensor hardware or client software to be added to the network, saving organizations time and money.