‘We believe the impact of the introduction of the new fibre optic broadband service will be revolutionary for both business and residential users. Small and medium businesses stand to benefit most with fibre optic broadband providing high speed bandwidth that was previously only available through expensive lease line solutions, that were the preserve of larger organisations,” said Andrew Saunders, Head of Product Management and Marketing.
‘The world wide web as we know it has been around since 1989, which means that for the past 20 years the internet has been brought into our workplaces and homes using twisted copper cable that has changed little since the invention of the telephone in 1876. Fibre is the future, so gone is the previous cynicism of the “world wide wait” fibre optic broadband gives us ‘The Internet Accelerated!’ added Saunders.
Established in 1995, Zen is celebrating its 15 year anniversary this October. The company which is still independently owned by its founder and Managing Director Richard Tang, started its business with dial-up internet access, was one of the first ISPs in the UK to provide ADSL broadband services.
Since then it has invested heavily in its network, services and its people to ensure that it leads from the front. Going from strength to strength Zen now includes fibre optic broadband in its range of high quality Internet services to the business and home user. All of these services are supported by a highly robust and resilient network and excellent technical support and customer service.
Fibre optic broadband services bring with it many benefits for both residential and business customers including file faster download and upload (quicker back-up, etc). Additional bandwidth will improve the performance of Virtual Private Networks making uploading and downloading of files more efficient, meaning working from home becomes a more viable option.
The use of multi-media and conferencing facilities will improve with higher download and upload speeds as will the use of live streaming services. Connectivity will be better equipped to cope with the forecasted exponential growth in high definition streaming and lower call costs by taking advantage of VoIP delivered over fibre.