
MLL Telecom wins £800k contract

MLL Telecom has today announced that following a full OJEU (The Official Journal of the European Union) procurement process, it has been awarded an £800k contract to extend the on-going supply, installation and support of wireless services around the Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council for up to a further four years.

The fully managed service contract includes licensed and light licensed radio based WAN connectivity with ‘point to point’ and ‘point to multi point’ technology, to support the council’s high speed connectivity needs of up to 1Gbs. During the term of the contract, MLL Telecom will be responsible for updating the core network infrastructure and providing innovative new technology solutions to areas such as the council’s school estate to ease congestion and reduce operational costs.

“Radio technology is an important aspect of our network service delivery and is used by the council to deliver high speed links cost-effectively to areas where fibre is not readily available or would otherwise be too expensive. We have also worked with MLL Telecom to consider 300Mb wireless services to sites that have outgrown their current 100Mb fixed line service but that can't reasonably justify the increased cost of a 1Gb fixed circuit rental. The radio solution provides us with a very cost-effective option when addressing the challenge of delivering increased bandwidth within a reduced budget,” explained Roy Sheehan, ICT Service Director at Gateshead.

“We selected MLL Telecom for its well-known capability and expertise in providing ingenious solutions that resolve connectivity problems cost-effectively. We are extremely happy with the service they continue to provide.”

The new contract will extend the existing relationship between MLL Telecom and Borough of Gateshead up to 10 years in total.

“We are delighted that the Borough of Gateshead has chosen to extend our relationship for a further four years. We strive to provide local authorities with flexible solutions that meet their specific network requirements cost-effectively and efficiently. By utilising our own spectrum we are capable of providing high speed interference-free networks to council offices, libraries, schools and other public buildings in shorter timescales and more cost-effectively than standard spectrum licencing procedures through Ofcom,” said Darrin Chadwick, Sector Director Regional Public Service, MLL Telecom.