With the world so reliant on the internet, it feels that firms that do not employ WiFi services on site could be missing out on a trick.
“No one could have predicted the boom in pop-ups, but by their very nature they often lack the infrastructure of an established business,” said Ozan.
“Modern consumers expect certain things from a business, including the ability to pay by card or contactless.
“By utilising a mobile 4G connection you can create a seamless payment process, which will impress guests, many of whom may have experienced lesser services at other pop-ups.”
Ozan added that offering a WiFi connection at a venue also increase the length of time customers are likely to stay and spend.
“You only have to walk into most coffee shops today to see people working away on laptops or browsing their social media accounts while grabbing some lunch.
“Keeping a customer at your business longer not only ensures a greater number of sales, but it also means that they aren’t out and about spending money with your competitors.”
He finished by saying that modern, high-speed mobile WiFi connections also allowed pop-ups and bars to create a different kind of ambience, by allowing them to stream music and videos online.
“Utilising our simple, but clever systems we can easily achieve reliable speeds over 100Mpbs, which is better than most people experience at home.
“Mobile connectivity has come on in leaps and bounds and with super-fast 5G connections just a few years away, things are only going to get better,” concluded Ozan.