“This has meant that many have been left unprepared as well as unaware of available and most appropriate options in both the short and longer term.
When choosing a compliant recording solution, companies need to decide if they are going to record all mobile conversations, including private calls, and whether to include calls to and from voicemail. Other issues such as number of mobile users, the type of handset used and whether the users are often abroad all have huge implications for the choice of system, the functionality required and the cost.
There are two main methods currently available for mobile recording. Firstly, the three-way calling solution effectively uses a conference call facility to “dial-in” the voice recorder. This is purely a software solution so it is easy to maintain and rollout and is easily scalable. On the downside there is an increase in call charges and call set up time can be slower than normal.
The gateway method, sometimes known as anchoring, works by routing all calls via a gateway, which is subsequently recorded. This method involves significant capital expenditure for the hardware and infrastructure to support this, mobile users see very little change to their experience and organisations can take advantage of least cost routing for call.
Red Box itself launched its own embedded mobile phone recording solution making the unique decision to offer customers a solution that does not discriminate between mobile and landline recording through price or functionality. In fact, Red Box is one of the first voice recording vendors to develop its own technology to cover this vital area.
This fully compliant solution from Red Box treats mobile recording as any other end point and does not charge the customer a premium. As it does not need additional software licenses, expensive upgrades or complex integration software the solution is about half the cost of the alternatives currently on the market. Furthermore, it works seamlessly with the existing Red Box fixed line recording solution and is available as an on premise or hosted recording system with the option for subscription based pricing.”