The Digital Marketplace is the online marketplace for the G-Cloud, from which public sector bodies can review and buy services. It is effectively a virtual catalogue of over 22,000 services under four different ‘lots’ or categories. These are for instance Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) or Specialist Cloud Services 2 (SCS). Buyers can find many like-for-like services and view pricing and details straight away – requesting bespoke details only when needed, saving time and money.
Services offered on the Digital Marketplace guarantee to be new, adaptive, encourage dynamic, responsive procurement and save time on a traditional Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) or Invitation to Tender - the open procurement for each of the G-Cloud frameworks has already been done.
Sellers on the Digital Marketplace – as CM is now – undergo an evaluation based on criteria of whole life cost, technical merit and functional fit, after-sales service management and non-functional characteristics. This saves time for both buyers as sellers, as the tender process has already been done.
Phil Stubbs, Country Manager for CM in London: “This is a great step for CM and makes sense for us to offer our services via G-Cloud as the Government ups the pace on meeting its ‘digital by default’ strategy. The simplicity of our SMS offering via a user friendly online tool or an API, is perfect for government services. We look forward to mirroring CM’s ongoing success with The Dutch Government.”