This volume of coverage delivered to the world's largest managed mobile media subscriber base affords MobiTV a deeper look into a number of viewing trends and behaviours from mobile video users in the US.
When it comes to screen size, MobiTV learned the bigger the better, charting the following average minutes viewed per screen size during World Cup coverage: 5 inch screen - 118.2 average minutes viewed; 4 inch screen - 102.2 average minutes viewed; 3 inch screen - 67.4 average minutes viewed; 2 inch screen - 61.1 average minutes viewed.
MobiTV also captured platform preference for various social personas. Viewers were identified by the most likely reason they purchased a device. For example, the business person uses their mobile device to check emails and manage their schedule, while the gadget geek is more interested in multimedia.
Gadget Geeks and Sophisticated Tweenagers had the highest minutes per viewer, yet Status Seekers viewed more games and on more days. Gadget Geeks viewed on average 125.7 minutes per viewer, on Android. Sophisticated Tweenagers and Treo Loyalists jointly view 84 minutes, on BREW and Palm, respectively. Status Seeker viewed 77.8 minutes on iPhone, Business Person viewed 65.4 minutes on RIM, and Tweenager viewed 62.7 minutes on WinMo.
California and New York states lead World Cup viewing on mobile with 12.9% of viewing coming from the Los Angeles area and 10.1% attributed to New York City-based soccer fans.
Top days and times for viewing World Cup action confirm the mobile medium as a supplement to at-home viewing. Weekday games played at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time had the highest average minutes per game, and weekdays accounting for more than 72 percent of total viewing.
"As the mobile device evolves into a multimedia powerhouse, and as the screen sizes increase in both size and resolution, consumers will demand more relevant and live content," said Charlie Nooney, CEO, MobiTV. "Although mobile TV does not replace our traditional TV viewing habits it does provide a viable alternative. Similar to the need to be connected to email, friends and family, being connected to the latest news and events will drive consumers to mobile television."