Peter Liley of Midland Distribution says, “Currently The biggest opportunity for independent dealers to make money, is offered by promoting the T-Mobile and Orange networks, which now benefit from unparallel U.K coverage which the combined network infrastructure offers.”
“Midland Communications Distribution is now providing T-Mobile, with its extremely competitive tariffs and U.K coverage to match, it is an incredible opportunity to make money that simply cannot be missed. With an increase from 12,500 to 20,000 masts resulting in dramatically improved performance across the country T- Mobile is now a true business solution. Currently there are also over 10,000 3G masts, 13,500 by the end of this year and 16,500 by the end of March 2011, providing a 3G network second to none.”
Midland Communications Distribution says it is offering 15% ongoing revenue on all new T-Mobile connections with generous upfront commissions and the added flexibility of cash only upgrades.