“We see this trend set to continue in to 2008. Our 0% finance deals have certainly had an impact in helping these companies make the move from browsing to implementing, but generally I think this part of the market is ready for VoIP.
Of course, once companies have an integrated voice and data network the next step is to look at how they can use this intelligently. I think 2008 will be the year of unified comms, as bigger corporates and mid-market companies look to get a business differentiator from their ICT.
At Avaya we predict that by 2015, the customer / user will get much greater control over the flow of communications, enabling businesses to increase the speed and efficiency of contact. The use of intelligent presence and call context information will allow users to exert more power over how, where and when they interact with an organisation and we see unifed comms as being at the heart of this.
People are already suffering from address fatigue – there are too many telephone numbers, email addresses and instant messenger accounts. The road to consolidating communications is already being travelled by more innovative companies.”