Research has shown that mobile phones can be major carriers of bacteria, including MRSA. Luckily help is at hand from a magic wand that kills bacteria on mobile phones with a sweep of light: the Purelight MD.
In a new report, University specialists have demonstrated that 95% of mobile handsets of 200 doctors and nurses working in operating theatres and intensive care units were contaminated with at least one type of bacteria. The bacteria could cause problems ranging from a skin irritation to potentially fatal infections like MRSA.
Purelight UK, a supplier of scientifically proven, UV-C microbial sterilisation systems, has created the portable Purelight MD ‘flip’ to kill bacteria that sticks to the surface of mobile phones.
Andy Felton, director at PureLight UK, explained: “Based on these findings, holding your phone to your mouth is as dangerous as placing your face on a toilet bowl, and yet we do it all day long without a second thought. We use mobiles every day. We forget it is a potential carrier of infection and this has lead to it being bypassed by most cleaning protocols. This has huge implications for the spread of disease amongst all of us.”
The Purelight MD’s affordable, compact ‘flip’ design makes it a strong solution for removing 99.7% of invisible bacteria from the mobile phone simply by using the power of UV-C light. This unique light breaks down the microbial DNA, killing the germs and viruses responsible for causing disease without any chemical residue, a key consideration due to the regular proximity of the handset to the face.