Foers continued, “We have finished the year on a real high on a number of fronts. Our decision to distribute the SwyxWare IP PBX during the second half of 2005 has opened up new markets for MTV Telecom and resulted in the signing of many new resellers for the product. With Swyx resellers are able to take advantage of excellent early adopter margins and build new revenue streams for their business. If we add to this the ability we now have to provide SIP trunks via our VoiceFlex product then resellers have a great convergence play opportunity where return on investment can be more easily demonstrated to their customers.”
Other news from MTV Telecom includes the realignment of senior roles within the company with Jim Robertson moving to Commercial Director.
Foers concludes, “We are working in a very dynamic fast moving market where having the right products at the right time for our resellers is key to success. The appointment of Jim Robertson as Commercial Director will see a greater focus being placed upon the identification of those products and applications as well as ensuring our channel propositions for them meets channel expectations. We are already taking steps to ensure MTV Telecom is positioned to increase our channel support in 2006 by recruiting several applications based technical support staff.”