In the same timeframe, the market for IP extensions grew by 23% so that IP extensions accounted for 21% of all extensions sold. The report reveals that Asia-based manufacturers Panasonic and NEC attained the greatest market shares at a global level, while Cisco Systems continued to lead the IP extensions market, followed by Avaya and Mitel Networks.
In percentage terms, most growth was seen in Eastern Europe and Middle East and Africa, which grew by 11% and 9% respectively. In terms of volume, the Asia Pacific region recorded the best performance with 274,000 more extensions sold in this quarter compared to Q1 2007, which is a growth rate of 7%. Latin America also demonstrated growth of 7%, the report shows.
Growth in Western Europe slowed to 3%, although there were many variations at a country level – the UK for example performed particularly well, with an increase of 10%, while France fell by 9% and Spain by 7%. Germany achieved 2% growth compared to Q1 2007. At an EMEA level, this equated to a rise of 5%, with Panasonic, Siemens and Alcatel-Lucent as market leaders.
The study shows that the only decline in shipments this quarter was registered in North America, where volumes dropped by 3% compared to Q1 2007. Cisco Systems is the market leader, followed by Nortel and Avaya.
IP Extensions Market
Additionally, the report shows that, with regards to IP extensions, the growth rate in percentage terms continues to be greater in the below 100 extensions market, with increases of more than 30%, while the above 100 extensions market grew by 20%. The penetration of IP into total extensions varies considerably by size segment, with 9% of all extensions in the below 100 extensions market being deployed as IP compared to 37% in the above 100 extensions market. Both these figures have grown from 7% and 33% respectively.
The North America region continues to account for the majority of IP sales worldwide, with a market share of 42%, down from 45% in Q1 2007. Western Europe has gained slightly with a 31% share, while Asia Pacific has risen from a 13% to a 15% market share of IP extensions with a growth rate of 40% compared to Q1 2007. EMEA grew by 26%, Latin America by 19% and North America by 15%.