Bringing together manufacturers and resellers, the TeleHealth focus day, inspired and educated resellers and armed them with the resources to tackle the lucrative TeleMedical market. With a growth in demands on the health system in the UK, telepresence opportunities are fast becoming the solution of choice. With many proof of concepts being deployed, NeoWave believe by drawing on the strengths of the supply chain, manufacturers right through to resellers, the opportunities available to gain new business are vast.
‘Education is key’ states Margaret Brewer ‘TelePresence in Medicine is a growing market, and by sharing resources our resellers are better equipped to find out opportunities and present telehealth solutions, safe in the knowledge they have the resources to support them when implementing those proposals.’
On the day, NeoCloud invited resellers to join them to discuss the potentials, wins and losses in the market place, and to collectively share experiences so that they can replicate with their own customers. NeoCloud presented application stories to the audience to kick off proceedings and then invited Frank Ruge, Vidyo’s Healthcare expert to present the size of the opportunity in the market and introduce case studies from around the globe.
The afternoon session included a presentation from Olaf Grønvaldt of ViewCare, who introduced a product they are manufacturing in Denmark and is set to launch in the UK soon. Resellers were given exclusive first glimpse of the product and could see how it would fit in to the NeoCloud portfolio.
Margaret Brewer of NeoCloud states ‘Events like these are a perfect example of our commitment to supporting our resellers. It wasn’t about selling to them, these guys have already cottoned on to the benefits of NeoCloud, but it was about education and a pulling of resources, that better equips resellers to take positive action in the market place.’
Ranjit Jutla concludes ‘NeoCloud have the resources to add value in the supply chain between Manufacturer and Reseller. Our sales strategy goes beyond signing up resellers, once signed we offer the most comprehensive support to enable the potential of each account is met. Including training, and education, technical expertise, sales support and a considerable marketing package.’