Established in 2000, NetworkFlow is a purely connectivity focused independent network operator. The company only provides MPLS networks, internet connectivity and point to point connectivity. This focus, they say, ensures lower costs, high levels of service delivery and responsive support. Existing customers include Selfridges, Northgate IS, Tunstall Group plc and Agent Provocateur.
The company adds that with over 23 other carriers connected on its network, combined with intelligent pricing tools, they can provide instant and accurate pricing for any location in the UK by instantly comparing the tail circuits costs from all their connected carrier partners.
David Alexander, Director of NetworkFlow says QoS as standard brings reliable voice quality and significant cost savings
“This is enabling resellers to provide their customers with high quality low cost returns. NetworkFlow provide a single managed router that includes separate Ethernet ports for MPLS, an Internet Gateway and a SIP Gateway. This provides the Reseller with a ready to go service combining the three functions of Wide Area Network, Internet Leased Line and SIP Gateway in one service. The key NAT functionality is provided on this router, removing the need for separate SIP gateway hardware. As a result the end customer can make significant cost savings by combining a one in three service: Internet, voice and WAN all on one line.”
Five levels of QoS are offered as standard on their MPLS networks, an inclusive premium offering for which other providers the company says, will often charge an additional 15-25% extra.
Alexander adds, “As NetworkFlow remains carrier neutral, we can also offer great solutions for resilience by diversely routing tail circuits to its multiple core data centres using different carriers.
Because NetworkFlow is carrier and SIP provider independent, it can offer resellers any number of hand-offs to SIP Wholesaler providers. SIP providers currently connected on its network include: BT Wholesale, Opal/Tiscali, Global Crossing, Gamma, Node 4 and Cable & Wireless.”
NetworkFlow says it is keen to ensure that the reseller maintains and retains the voice margins. Voice resellers can maintain their direct commercial relationship for billing etc. and NetworkFlow provides the connectivity from customer to SIP provider. With no ‘middle man’ the lower SIP tariffs not only result in cost savings / higher margins but they also mean that the customer’s IT and networking infrastructure are more efficient and result in increased functionality.
NetworkFlow is actively seeking further resellers with an existing base and those keen to move onto a SIP basis to increase margins. The company is in active discussions with a number of resellers, and relationships are already in place with the leading Swyx reseller GP Network Solutions, as well as Solar Communications, Europe’s leading Shoretel partner.
David Alexander, Director of NetworkFlow, sums up the situation for the channel: “As VoIP over SIP finally comes of age, we’re seeing a massive increase in demand for and growth of our business. Technology enhancements and dropping copper prices are allowing us to provide any number of access technologies from 2Mb over copper, EFM and fibre leased lines. The neutrality, flexibility and interconnectivity of our business is providing real opportunities for resellers who can take advantage of SIP to increase their margins whilst maintaining their existing SIP supplier relationships.”