The network maturity assessment provides important advice on how to achieve better operational performance and increased ROI from the current network investment. Other advantages include the ability to look for potential ways to reduce existing network costs as well as align the network infrastructure closer to the organisation’s current business objectives.
With increasing pressure on the IT director and network manager to achieve more from their organisation’s existing IT investment without further cost to the business, Networks First has developed a high level network design and assessment service. The new maturity assessment service enables not only an independent view of how the network is designed, and a comparison to industry standards, but also how it is being managed and operated by the organisation, providing a valuable benchmark tool using a five-phased network maturity model.
Jason Peach, Head of Professional Services at Networks First, explains: “By comparing what is currently deployed against industry and manufacturer recommended best practice, we are able to provide organisations with an accurate benchmark of where they are in terms of network maturity. Their entire network processes are placed under scrutiny, looking at everything from how they manage incidents coming in, to security procedures, or tracking activities through to completion.”
Peach continues: “This service is all about giving organisations the knowledge they need to take a proactive approach to network management, utilising a life-cycle approach to gaining and then maintaining high network availability. The final report provides not only key observations but a priority list of actions which will ensure the network assets are being deployed and operated to maximum advantage.