With a fully software defined (SD) network, Virtual1 operates the largest and most advanced business-only fibre infrastructure in the UK, connecting over 180 towns and cities across the country. Built using state-of-the-art technology, it will therefore enable Vapour to provide clients with high capacity, low-latency connectivity that delivers the ultimate in flexibility.
“The selling points of this new network provision are multiple,” commented Vapour’s CEO Tim Mercer (Pictured). “But it’s the extended reach, bandwidth speed and scalability that will really take our client offering to a whole new level. The portal – with 24/7 access – provides the opportunity to ramp things up or down in real-time, which will satisfy the ‘of the moment’ demand that so many organisations now come to us with. I’ve never been more excited about our connectivity portfolio.”
Commenting on the new relationship with Vapour, Virtual1’s CEO Tom O’Hagan said: “Eighteen months ago we decided to expand our network throughout the UK, and as a wholesale-only business we relied on partner relationships, to capitalise upon our expanded nationwide presence.
“We are clear on what we look for in partners though – like us, they need to have innovation, a commitment to the customer and a forward-thinking mindset at their core. Vapour fits the bill completely.”
Mercer expanded: “We’ve seen what poor service levels and pitifully slow connectivity can mean for UK organisations. It is holding them back. But the Virtual1 network has changed the playing field entirely. I have eagerly watched their story unfold as they have really shaken up what had the risk of becoming a stagnant and monopolised market. This new partnership has the potential to boost our revenues by 15% over the next 12 months I’d say.”
This channel partnership is one of the latest to be announced by Elland-headquartered Vapour. At the start of October, the team revealed a new collaboration with Target Components’ enterprise division, to enable Servers Plus to deliver a wide suite of cloud and hybrid services alongside its extensive range of hardware.