“The purchase of Rocom, which has its own long-standing and respected pedigree, creates an unbeatable combination and powerful market-leading proposition and we are all highly motivated by the potential,” said Julian. “It is a new chapter in our history and the start of a momentous era for the telecoms distribution industry.”
Both Nimans and Wetherby-based Rocom will retain their branding and customer-facing operations as part of a “business as usual” strategy. It's also business as usual for the Rocom board members who are delighted with the acquisition and are looking forward to the future.
Julian added: “This acquisition provides the perfect platform for sustained strategic growth for customers giving them access to the full product portfolio across Nimans and Rocom. It represents a real statement of intent and demonstrates our commitment to, and confidence in, the telecoms distribution market. We are a financially secure company with the strength to expand and move further forward.”
Julian, along with Nimans’ Managing Director Paula Gillings - who played an instrumental role in putting the deal together - also paid tribute to the talent available from both boards of Directors. “We are very much looking forward to capitalising on the exceptional talent, enthusiasm and dedication of both boards which will act as the catalyst for future success,” said Paula.
A mutual agreement has been reached with Rocom's former MD Richard Carter where he will assist as required for up to three months before taking up a new role at ATC Group.
Julian also highlighted the many channel benefits which will be generated following the purchase of Rocom, which now creates a combined business with a turnover approaching £100 million and 400 staff. No other distributor will have the depth and diversity of stock at their disposal.
Julian concluded: “As there will be less direct competition between the companies we can fully focus on channel development, rather than ‘shifting’ the channel where customers can get caught between the two with trapped loyalties. We can concentrate fully on helping dealers develop their businesses further. The ‘best of breed’ qualities of both companies will work together for everyone’s benefit. For ourselves, suppliers and customers alike this represents tremendous opportunity.”