“This is a very exciting time, not only for Telappliant but for the industry too,” said Benjamin. “I’ve joined the company at a time where ambitions for growth are steep, which for me coming from an agency background working across multiple b2b projects is perfect.”
“Approaching an industry with a fresh pair of eyes is always interesting. My first impressions are that there is room for us to not only drive business growth by increasing our market share but to also grow the market itself by encouraging adoption amongst customers who have not yet embraced Internet telephony and I think we’re in a great position to be able to do this.”
On VoIP in general, Benjamin concludes, “It seems as if the market has, in general, gone through something of a maturation phase but perhaps not from a marketing and communications perspective. We all stand to reap the benefits of cutting through the complexity associated with VoIP and not overwhelming businesses and users with technology; and that for me is where the key to increased adoption lies.”