The Group, formed from a number of Europe-wide companies in 2002, has seen a decade of growth in a rapidly developing communications and IT landscape, embracing new technologies and driving innovation forward for its customers. In the UK, Midlands-based NextiraOne has over three decades of experience and has carved out a significant role in the market, particularly in unified communications, mobility, video, contact centre, data networks and data centre, and it has used its expertise as a platform for the creation of future-proof solutions.
“The world has changed enormously since we began our journey,” says David Winn, CEO of NextiraOne. “Our decade of growth and achievement has been an exciting period for us and for our customers and partners. We have seen enormous changes, as the emergence of cloud and mobility technologies, BYOD and many other trends in the last few years have shown, and we have anticipated and adapted to each new development in the market, delivering innovative, customer-centric solutions. In an increasingly complex communications world, our strength is in bringing back simplicity. We do this by managing the complexity on behalf of our clients, integrating multiple technologies and devices so that they work seamlessly.”