These suites will be based on the technology platforms of Cisco, NetApp, EMC and VMWare and will include managed services for these suites during their life cycle. They will be co-located at the Equinix LD5 International Business Exchange (IBX) data centre in Slough. Announced at this month’s Cisco Live 2013 customer event, these Suites will provide a combination of complete customised IT solutions – providing the best secure service availability.
Customers looking to improve their back-up and business continuity facilities will be able to take advantage of NextiraOne’s data centre and IT expertise inside Equinix’s data centre. In addition, organisations wishing to have Hybrid Cloud set-ups will be ideally placed on the backbone of the Internet. The Cloud and Disaster Recovery Suites offer solutions that are customer-owned, designed and implemented by NextiraOne using industry best practice. The Suites are designed with optimised security, networking, computing and storage components as well as computer room power and cooling available in Equinix’s Slough data centre.
Geraint Davies, Head of Business Development, Data Centres, said: “For organisations that operate customised applications in their own private computer rooms on-site, the Cloud Suites provide great opportunities to complement their own services with niche applications delivered by specialists and also to offer new services for use by their customers. This leads to a need for a hybrid infrastructure that supports core applications privately, but also allows easy experimentation with the Cloud, and the ability to expand this. In addition, businesses need resilient Disaster Recovery computer rooms that mirror key aspects of their private facilities. NextiraOne offers these suites to create a low risk, high availability, secure and scalable solution.”
NextiraOne designs, builds, operates and supports these systems using industry-leading Unified Platforms based on Cisco, NetApp and VMware technology. These can be rapidly deployed and scaled using the industry-leading Next Generation FlexPod architecture, cutting installation time, increasing availability, improving performance of Internet-based services and reducing risk.
The introduction of NextiraOne’s Cloud and Disaster Recovery Suites allows enterprise and public sector customers to combine the benefits of a highly secure environment, with optimised power and cooling, whilst keeping down the operating costs and ensuring effective back-up is in place. With ongoing remote Managed Services offered by NextiraOne, the pressure of maintaining a consolidated Disaster Recovery data centre is considerably reduced and access to future Cloud Services is much improved.