“With no warranty, instructions or follow up service and support, these online products are causing the genuine manufacturers significant problems, not least clogging up customer care lines with complaints about products for which they have no knowledge.
Yet the genuine items can offer extraordinary quality and length of life – including products manufactured to US military specifications that will last over eight years using replacement batteries, which will last for 500 battery re-charges on a properly managed system.
This two-way radio technology is robust and has a diversity and price point to suit every single application. But getting it right requires an in depth understanding of how it is to be used, if there is coverage available, in what location and by how many people. Maintaining and maximising its lifetime requires on going service and support. Simply buying a cheap online offer will be neither reliable, legal nor, possibly, safe. Is it really worth the risk to business and staff and perhaps more importantly to other people outside of your control? By doing your selection properly you can live with a clear conscience.”