MSN, the Internet portal, published the extent of MP’s expense claims via an interactive Virtual Earth map to allow the general public to see, at a glance, the extent of their local MP’s claimed expenses in context to the rest of the country. The map created by geo-coded data specialists, and Node4 customer, Shoothill, allows users to do exactly that.
Node4’s high specification N+1 Data Centre at their head office in Derby has multiple, fully resilient links via T1 carriers for Internet transit ensuring that the vast amount of visitors to the site since the map’s launch were not disappointed by the service they received.
Rod Plummer, of Shoothill stated, “We knew that this would get a lot of interest but even we were surprised with the coverage the map got on a global scale. Thankfully we knew Node 4 were up to the task and we were delighted with the performance of the application. We were very pleased with the traffic the map received as well as with how it coped with the load. The map continued to load and perform very quickly, meaning that the user experience was high quality throughout. Node4’s hosting combined with Shoothill’s development made for a perfect combination.” Alastair Bruce, Senior Content Manager, MSN.