We’ve probably all been there – a customer contacts us in a state of shock after receiving their latest phone bill, having discovered that they’ve been hit by a bad case of Dial-Through Fraud (DTF). Someone has managed to hack their PBX or voicemail and has been merrily dialling premium rate numbers outside of working hours for most of the month. Clifford Norton, MD of Channel Telecom, thinks it’s high time the industry collaborated to address the issue.

“I’d like to think the industry could work together by sharing information, so that collectively we can build a strong enough case meaning Ofcom and the Police have to act. But as long as each reseller shrugs their shoulders and hopes the latest victim will pay the bill, with no information being pooled, the extent of the problem will remain unknown and these fraudsters will continue to get away with it.”
Clifford would therefore welcome contact from resellers and dealers of all sizes who’d like to work together to stampoutfraud@channeltelecom.com, particularly if they have any recent experiences of the problem. Comms Business will keep track of how the campaign develops.